I, Sigrún Landvall, mainly work within areas of Swedish law and international civil law. I began to work as a lawyer in Sweden 2004 mostly with family law.
I got Master of Laws 1988 in Iceland and was admitted to the bar association 1995. EU solicitor 2011 in Sweden and after that I have had my own office in Sweden and Iceland. Before I started my own law office in Sweden, I worked in Swedbank Legal Office 2007-2011 with economic family law. In Iceland I worked with consumer law in a state authority. You can find my CV here.
I assist clients in inheritance, properity devision and estate aministration.
As the time goes by, I have worked more and more with international civil law which I appreciate and at the same time is a challenge.
There are also more common situations that I like to work with. I love to help people in ordinary situations with family law when I can do something before it’s too late.

Some documents that is important to write
- Last will and testament
- Contract between cohabit
- Prenuptial agreement
- Continuing power of attorney
- Gift inter vivos and division between parts
If you want to go through your situation, I can give you a clarity in your specific situation.
You are welcome to phone me so I can tell you if you should establish any legal documents which can be crucial for your situation. See flyers.
If you want to contact me, you are welcome to fill in this formulary. Here,
Under the tabs you can read more about legal areas I work with, as well as common situations where it can be beneficial to hire a lawyer. If your problem is like any of these situations, then I can provide legal assistance.
I have my office in Stockholm and Iceland.
Languages: Swedish, Icelandic, English
Basic knowledge of Swedish Sign language
Please do not hesitate to contact my office.