Consumer Disputes Committee

Are you dissatisfied about something as a consumer?

On 11 January 2016 the Swedish Bar Association established the Consumer Disputes Committee.

The Consumer Disputes Committee hears disputes between consumers and members of the Swedish Bar Association or a law firm concerning services the member or law firm has provided to the consumer. In this context, consumer means a physical person pursuing a matter outside their own business or professional field.

If a client is dissatisfied with the service a member of the Swedish Bar Association has provided, the client should contact the member in writing to discuss the issue and to attempt to reach a solution by consensus. If the client contacts the Consumer Disputes Committee directly to file the dispute rather than contacting the member of the Swedish Bar Association to discuss their complaint and attempt to reach a solution by consensus, the Committee can reject such an application.

If a case has been started with the member of the Swedish Bar Association’s insurance provider, the issue must be resolved within the parameters of the insurance policy before the client can contact the Consumer Disputes Committee. Accordingly, an insurance case is to be considered part of the solution that is to be resolved by consensus, before a case can be filed with the Consumer Disputes Committee. If, despite the above, a case is filed with the Consumer Disputes Committee, the Committee will suspend this until the insurance issue is resolved.

If consensus cannot be reached on a solution, the client can approach the Consumer Disputes Committee. This must be made in writing (see link to form below) and within one year of the complaint being submitted in writing to the member of the Swedish Bar Association. The member of the Swedish Bar Association then becomes liable to attend the Consumer Disputes Committee hearing. For a dispute to be heard by the Consumer Disputes Committee, it must not have been heard or adjudicated on by a court of law.



Box 27321

102 54 Stockholm

Link to application form:

Read more at Advokatsamfundet: